Monday, 17 December 2018

The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud.

New Zealand was once governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later a part of Australia.

New Zealanders are also called kiwis but kiwi is not a fruit. It is New Zealand’s native flightless bird.

Friday, 24 August 2018


This is my sculpture the man is made out of wire.

Sculptures are junk made into a piece of art i think it's quite fascinating. I learnt that sculptures take time and patience it was a science project i like mine because it was wire and wire is nice and easy and its creative me and my dad made it he just helped bend the wire where it gets hard The End.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Today We made quiche

Today we made quiche So we started to cut vegetables  out of our garden then
we started to crack the eggs then we were grating carrots and marrow then I
done the flour 2 cups then also 2 cups of cheese 3 cups of milk   


least 5 cleaning up thats weird to say for a kid but i enjoy it in a way that's weird
yeah so it was very good and im thanking our teacher for letting us make the
The End      

3 eggs
½ cup self raising flour
1 ½ cups milk
2 oz melted butter

Mix all together in a bowl  then add - 1 cup grated cheese, salt and pepper
and anything else you want.
Corn- frozen mixed veg, onion, bacon mushrooms etc

Put into a greased dish and bake at 160 for between 40-60 mins
When cooked it will be brown

Monday, 26 March 2018

Trajun is a giraffe standing tall and strong
Trajun is a loud crazy monkey
Trajun is an apple hard on the outside soft
in the middle.
Trajun is a straw sucking up his fears       

Friday, 16 March 2018

We have been cooking omelettes  they were really yum and filling. My eyes were hurting when I was chopping the onion it was worth it. The taste was delicious i'm going to make them at home for my family. In my omelette I had onion cheese ham mushroom.
It was fun making them I enjoyed spending time with my friends and teachers. My favourite part was Making and eating I have tried omlits me for and I really liked them.
So I was excited for making them today some kids didn't like but I really did.